15/11/2015 - report - photos - The Dry Canyon track notes

Participants: Tom Brennan, Jon Bell, Jo Squires, Ed Squires, Miriam Scarr, Rod Wales, John Flint

Photos from other participants:

Unnecessary scrambling in the Dry Canyon

The Dry Canyon

Miriam and Jon

John at the end of the canyon

Interesting old cave house on the way to our next canyon

Looking down the canyon from our lunch pagoda

Miriam, Jo and John on the pagoda

Scrambling off the pagoda

Ed enjoying another squeezy abseil

Rod on the abseil

Miriam on the next drop - interesting anchor

John on the final abseil in the canyon

Jon walking around under the cliffline

Massive overhang

Fern in Bells Grotto

Bells Grotto

Bells Grotto

Jon and Rod in Bells Grotto

Bells Grotto